Privacy Policy

PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING POLICY as per Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Regulation EU 679/2016

NEW ANCORVIS S.R.L., in thanking you for your interest and trust in our services, informs you that it is the Data Controller - pursuant to articles 4 and 28 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 Privacy Code (hereinafter “Code”), and articles 4, no. 7) and 24 of Regulation EU 2016/679 of 27th April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons (hereinafter, “Regulation”) - of your personal data.

1. Subject of processing and source of data.

The subject of the processing activity is personal data (for example but not limited to company name, contact details, addresses, email address) provided by you at the time of registration on the portal.

2. Primary purposes of processing.

NEW ANCORVIS S.R.L. shall process your data primarily for registration on the portal and in order to use the relative services, including therein the possibility to manage the available products, or rather, for purposes strictly linked to the fulfilment of contractual and functional activities in order to fulfil contractually derived obligations, and also to fulfil precontractual, fiscal and other obligations set forth by the law, by a regulation, by EU legislation or an order by an Authority (for example concerning anti-money laundering) and to exercise the rights of the Controller, for example the right of defence in court

3. Secondary purposes of processing - marketing.

NEW ANCORVIS S.R.L. shall process you data secondarily for the purposes of commercial promotion, advertising, follow-up, to solicit buying behaviour, for market research, surveys (by phone, online or using questionnaires), statistical processing, other sample marketing research in a broad sense in relation to products and/or services that relate to the company, so-called processing for marketing purposes. By providing consent for processing for marketing purposes, the Data Subject specifically acknowledges the promotional, commercial and marketing purposes and expressly authorises processing. You may be contacted via email, sms or using equivalent electronic tools, or by traditional post or contacted by an operator using all the provided contact numbers. If you prefer to be contacted using only one or certain contact means, you can make an express request using the form made available to you. In compliance with current legislation, we inform you that consent for marketing purposes must be express, documented, preventive and entirely optional.

4. Communication and transfer of data.

NEW ANCORVIS S.R.L. may communicate and/or transfer your data also to third parties that provide the Company with administrative, IT, logistics and consulting services. You can receive an up-to-date list from our Data Processors by sending a request via traditional post or email to the contact details indicated below. Public Administrations or other bodies provided for by the law or regulation for the primary purposes of processing specified in point 2, shall communicate your data to the appointed Data Processors and with your specific prior consent, may transfer your data to its networks of agents, logistics companies responsible for shipments, banks and financial institutions in general, or to companies that fall within the same category of goods, also in relation to the marketing purposes indicated in point 3.

5. Method of processing and retention period of personal data.

NEW ANCORVIS S.R.L. informs you that the processing of your data shall be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and may also occur using automated means designed to store, manage and transmit such data and shall occur using suitable tools, within reason and based on current techniques, which guarantee safety and confidentiality through the use of suitable procedures that prevent the risk of loss, unauthorised access, unlawful use and diffusion. In regards to personal data processed for marketing purposes, such data shall be stored in respect of the principle of proportionality and in any case until the purposes of processing have been achieved or until consent is specifically revoked by the Data Subject, whichever occurs first. After such time, the data shall be destroyed or made anonymous. Personal data is saved on the server and shall not be transferred outside the single European area. If suppliers of company hardware and/or software intend to move outside the European Community, suitable protection measures shall be evaluated to preserve the data

6. Data Controller and Data Processor.

The identification details of the Data Controller are as follows:

New Ancorvis Srl – Via dell’Industria 15 – Bargellino – 40012 Calderara di Reno (BO)
Tel. 051 6463070 – Fax 051 6463076 – Web: WWW.NEWANCORVIS.EU

The up-to-date list of Data Processors is available at the aforementioned offices.

7. Rights of the Data Subject and their exercise.

Pursuant to article 7 of the Privacy Code and pursuant to articles 13, paragraph 2, letters (b) and (d), 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Regulation, we inform the Data Subject that:

  1. a) they have the right to ask the Data Controller for access to their personal data, for its rectification or cancellation or limitation of its relative processing or to oppose its processing, and also to request the portability of their data in the specified cases;
  2. b) they have the right to make a claim to the Data Protection Authority, following the procedures and instructions published on the official website of the Data Protection Authority,;
  3. c) any changes or cancellations or limitations of processing further to a request by the Data Subject - unless shown to be impossible or requiring disproportionate effort - shall be communicated by the Company to each of the recipients to whom the personal data has been transmitted. The Company may reveal such recipients to the Data Subject should the latter make such request.
  4. d) they have the right to data portability, the Client has the right to receive their personal data in a structured format, of common use, which is legible on electronic supports. They also have the right to obtain, where technically possible, the transmission of their personal data directly from one Data Controller to another.

The exercise of rights is not subject to any restrictions in form and is free of charge.

Your data shall be stored for a period of 10 years from the date of dissolution of the contract or termination of the effective relationship.

The Client has the right to oppose the processing of their personal data at any time. In this case the data shall no longer be processed unless New Ancorvis s.r.l. demonstrates legitimate reasons to continue processing, that is, in order to satisfy their legal obligations.

You can contact us or use other options to resolve any eventual claims. In the case of questions or claims in relation to this Privacy Policy, you can contact us using the link in the newsletters or send us an email or letter via registered post at the following addresses.

  • registered letter with return receipt to New Ancorvis Srl – Via dell’Industria 15 – Bargellino – 40012 Calderara di Reno (BO)
  • email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Cookies Policy

Below we propose an explanation of Cookies and how they are used by this website to facilitate use and browsing.

Cookies are small text files sent to the user by the visited website. They are saved on the computer's hard disk, thus allowing the website to recognise the users and store certain information about them, in order to allow or improve the service offered.

There are different types of cookies. Some are necessary in order to browse the Website, others have different scopes such as to guarantee internal safety, administrate the system, perform statistical analyses, understand which sections of the Website are of most interest to the users or offer a personalised visit of the Website.

The Website uses technical and not profiling cookies. The above refers to both the user’s computer and any other device the user might use to connect to the Website.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of transmitting information on an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of the company’s information service, explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide said service.

They are not used for additional scopes and are normally installed directly by the Data Controller or website manager.

They can be subdivided into browser or session cookies, which guarantee normal browsing and fruition of the website (allowing, for example, purchases or authentication to access reserved areas); analytics cookies, assimilated to technical cookies when used directly by the website manager to collect information, in an aggregate form, regarding the number of users and how they visit the website itself; functional cookies, which allow the user to browse based on a series of selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided.

The disabling of cookies may limit the possibility to use the Website and prevent the user from fully benefiting from all the functions and services presented on the Website. In order to decide which cookies to accept and which to refuse, following is a description of the cookies used on the Website.

Types of cookies used

First-party cookies:

First-party cookies (that is, cookies that belong to the publisher’s website, who created them) are set by the website visited by the user, the address of which appears in the URL bar. The use of such cookies allows the website to function more efficiently and track visitor behaviour patterns.

Third-party cookies:

Third-party cookies are set by a different domain with respect to the one visited by the user. If a user visits a website and a different company uses that website to send information, these are considered third-party cookies.

Session cookies:
So-called ‘session cookies’ are temporarily saved and then deleted when the user closes the browser. If the user registers on the Website, they may use cookies that collect personal data in order to identify the user during subsequent visits or facilitate access - login to the Website (for example by saving the user’s username and password) and browsing on the Website itself. New Ancorvis also uses cookies for system administration purposes. The Website may contain links to other websites. New Ancorvis does not have any access to, or control over, cookies, web beacons or other tracking technology used by third-party websites that the user may access from the Website, availability, any contents and materials published or obtained through such websites and the relative methods of personal data processing; In this regard, considering the high number of these third-party websites, New Ancorvis expressly denies all liability. The user should check the privacy policy of any third-party websites they visit from the Website for details of the conditions applicable to personal data processing, as the New Ancorvis Privacy Policy only applies to the Website defined above.

Persistent cookies:

Persistent cookies are saved on the user’s device between browser sessions, making it possible to remember the user preferences and actions in a certain website. They can be used for various scopes, for example to remember preferences and choices when the Website is used.

Essential cookies:

These cookies are strictly necessary for the Website to function properly. Without the use of such cookies, certain parts of the Website would not work. They include, for example, cookies that allow access to protected areas of the Website. These cookies do not collect information for marketing purposes and cannot be deactivated.

Functional cookies:

These cookies are needed to recognise a user that returns to visit the Website. They allow contents to be personalised and preferences to be remembered (for example, the selected language or region). These cookies do not collect information that may identify the user. All collected information is anonymous.

Sharing cookies (social links):

These cookies make it possible to share the contents of the Website through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. To view the respective privacy and cookie policies, it is possible to visit the websites of the social network. In the case of Facebook and Twitter, the user can visit and

Specifically, below is a list of the main cookies used by the Website and relative descriptions and functions, including their duration.

1) Type of Cookie First-party Functional
Purpose Recover the user settings (save the user session and remember certain settings such as accessibility settings)
Duration Persistent cookies
2) Type of Cookie First-party - Functional
Purpose Saves the location of the user and remembers the language settings (in anonymous form)
3) Type of Cookie First-party - Functional
Purpose Personalises the contents of the page based on the device used by the user, their choices and settings (in anonymous form)
4) Type of Cookie Statistics
Origin Google Analytics
Purpose Website statistics
Privacy Google Policies (

How to change cookie settings

The majority of browsers automatically accept cookies, but the user can normally change their settings to disable this function. It is possible to block all types of cookies, or accept to receive only some and disable others. The “Options” or “Preferences” section in the browser menu will make it possible to avoid receiving cookies and other user tracking technologies. Alternatively, it is also possible to consult the “Help” section of the tool bar in the majority of browsers.

It is also possible to select the browser used from the list below and follow the instructions: - Internet Explorer; - Chrome; - Safari; - Firefox; - Opera. From a mobile device: - Android; - Safari; - Windows Phone; - Blackberry.

For more information about cookies and to manage cookie preferences (first and/or third-party) users are invited to visit the platform We remind you however, that disabling browser or functional cookies may cause the Website to malfunction and/or limit the service offered by New Ancorvis.