Franco Schipani

Schipani Franco
Schipani FrancoGrow Upper
High school diploma in dental technology from the Edmondo De Amicis Institute in Rome in 1986
Higher Education Certificate for Dental Technician Specialisation in Fixed Mobile and Implant Prostheses at the University of L'Aquila in 2012/2013
Higher Education Certificate for Specialization in Digital Dental Technology at the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome in 2014/2015
Certified as ExoCad International Official Trainer in 2014

Owner of the Sundent Dental Laboratory in Cesena from 1991 to 2015
Technical Consultant for Nobil Metal Company since 2010
Technical Consultant Coordinator for Nobil Metal digital solutions in 2013
Lecturer in the Advanced Training Course for Specialisation in Digital Dental Technology at the Marconi University in Rome since 2014
Sinergia Project Manager for Nobil Metal and New Ancorvis since 2016

Speaker at various national and international congresses
Author of publications in specialised sector-based publications
Speaker at specialisation courses