Original Appearance

The roots of our paths
are firm in this terrain

The original and valuable aspect!

New Ancorvis Daily

  • The daily experience of New Ancorvis allows Grow-Up to have a lot of “food for thought” to look for the solutions and practical applications necessary to help the Medical - Technical team to respond to all needs in the best possible way

  • Receiving a large number of daily files to produce is a great source of case studies and inspiration for Grow Up's research and development

Grow Up TEAM ~

  • s the Grow-Up internal research and development laboratory, which has equipment, tools and skills to test, stress and analyse the most effective ways to make the digital workflow, as well as develop adequate educational content and all the steps useful for performing simple and effective procedures

  • in order to prove the contents of the courses, it interacts and collaborates with external physicians and technicians, also with the aim of continuously feeding concepts, tests and analyses